Women live within infinite worlds, everchanging and coexisting,
and we wish to dress everyone of them. Care for details and an
everyday search for the aesthetics is what we think all women embody.
It is a drive to create something new out of a timeless truth:
to show your inner beauty here and anywhere, everyday.
L'atto di spostarsi da un luogo ad un altro
Un lungo e spesso complesso processo di cambiamento e miglioramento personale
La nostra nuova collezione racchiude i due differenti significati: un viaggio di luoghi, esperienze e sensazioni. Spazi da ritrovare nelle stampe landscape, nelle forme geometriche e nei pattern; colori che richiamano la natura; tessuti, come sempre ricercati e preziosi, che offrono molteplici sensazioni tattili e visive.
Transformation, connection, contrast. Here starts MC Cago investigation
of what it means to be a woman.
Our inspiration comes now from the past, the Eighties and their colors, their celebration
of women through volumes. Warm, intimate solid colors, and simple shapes
like in the minimalistic Nineties. Sensuality and femininity, and our timeless
floral patterns. Excess and essentiality come together
in a combination of styles towards the affirmation of uniqueness.
a fashion project, created by Maria Catia Cogo and Susanna di Filippo: it was born in 2013 when, after years spent improving her craft, the stylist decides to market her products - which she draws and sews herself. "Gonfia" was the earliest piece of clothing, a sober and simple skirt whose faith was to become Co.Go's first iconic product.
This brand was inspired by an idea of timeless fashion, a craft to allow every woman to feel spontaneous and natural. With no exceptions. Looking for clean lines and structure. By drawing, it renovates; by sewing, it emphasizes Italian tradition's passion and craftsmanship devotion.
Co.Go lives within every woman's daily life, be it during a friendly night out, or an elegant reception. Every collection represents a fascinating story, developing through the years, into an emotional impulse towards passion, feeling, savoir-faire.